Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I wanted this in a separate post....just because. Last night we went out to dinner. Kyle, who will be 19 in March, hasn't really asked too much about what's going on. I tell him some things and I'm sure he's heard me on the phone, but as far as him asking questions, not really. The night we told him, all he asked was, are they going to get it out of there....forever? =/

So last night, sitting in the restaurant, he says, so, how come you haven't done anything yet? It's been a long time, don't you need to have surgery? I said, it's been a month and yes, I need to have surgery. I'm deciding on what to do right now. Told him about the BRCA testing for today and said, I'm waiting to get the results back from that. But I already know what I want to do....I'm getting new one's. That's how I put it to him. He sat there looking at me, quickly glanced down at my chest and said, you're joking! (we ALWAYS joke with each other) I said, no I'm not. I'm getting new ones, these are no good. they can throw them away. My little boy then said to me, how are you going to pay for that? I said, insurance will cover it. He said, because I have $2000 saved up that you can have if you need it. OMG. It's his car money he's been saving. Doesn't he know not to do that to me in a restaurant?! tears. I am so proud of him. He is such a compassionate, loving, generous young man. We met him there and on the way home I told Matt, there are not a lot of 18 yr old boys that would even think to give their mom all their money they've been saving up for a car. I was completely overwhelmed. I am so proud of him.

This morning he came out to go to work and I gave him a big hug. He will always hug back but this morning it felt different. He's usually a little stand offish, not really a bear hug, but this morning I got the biggest, longest, tightest hug I've had from him since he was my little attached to his mama boy. 



  1. How awesome. He is a special young man just like his Dad. Well, not young but definitely special. lol. love ya

  2. That is pretty cool. Us Bowman boys always care but don't show it like we should.

  3. Aww, that is beyond sweet!! I'm raising my little guys to be Momma's boys as well! Sounds like you have an amazing young man!! :''')
