Friday, April 27, 2012

Week 5

Well, week 5 and I feel great!! I almost feel right back to normal. If my breasts weren't so tight, I would. They aren't as tight as they were but still tight. Takes time to soften and loosen up I'm told. I'm pretty much back to doing whatever I want. Matt still has a fit if I lift something but nothing hurts when I do, it's not a struggle and surely my internal stitches are healed by now! Besides, both dr's said do whatever I feel I can do. I don't push it still. There are certain things I'm nervous to lift, but for the most part I'm good. Amazing to heal from such a major surgery so fast! 

I still have a couple procedures to get through, some nips and tucks as Dr G. called them, but they don't happen for a month or so. They want to make sure all the swelling is gone before we do any final adjustments. I will be THRILLED to be all done with this!!! 

I was so afraid that I was going to be stuck in a chair watching Matt & Kyle do stuff in the yard, mostly worried about working in the garden, but it doesn't look like it's going to be any problem at all. We were dragging branches and wood to the fire pit the other night and I worked in my flower bed. Feels so good to feel normal again and not have all the stress the cancer diagnosis brought with it. Matt said he's finally started to relax and not worry about me now that this is getting farther and farther behind us. I'm so glad. I knew this was really getting to him. His mood and energy has perked back up and he's not calling me everyday like he was ;) . 

Just really happy to have this in the past (even though we're not completely there yet) and moving ahead and never have to worry about it again. Monday I have a date with the treadmill :)  Only thing that's been holding me back this week is my back. It's hurt since surgery. I'm trying to get an appt with the chiro for tomorrow but can't get ahold of him.


Friday, April 20, 2012

week 4

Well, week 4 went a lot better than week 3. I have felt a lot better and got the clearance from my plastic surgeon to do whatever I want, using my own discretion. I've been cleaning but nothing too strenuous. Just getting my house back to clean. Matt & Kyle did their best keeping the house up but I think they got burnt out towards the end. I think they're glad I'm back to cooking and cleaning.

I was hoping at Wednesdays appt that he would be ready to close this all up but he's not. he wants to wait another month because I am still pretty swelled up. I've decided not to get anymore saline put in. all that's in there is what was in there When he placed them during surgery. I'm small, but that's what I wanted. I've been BIG all my life and just don't want to deal with that again. so when the time comes he'll detach the ports and pull the implants down into place.

I still feel very stiff and tight and he said it will take a while to soften up, give it time. I feel much better than previous weeks so that's good. I tore my incision a little tiny bit but he said its superficial, nothing to worry about, it will heal. It had been pulling really hard, making me think a stitch was too tight and I think it broke loose. Feels much better now! but now have to let the tear heal.

Certain things are harder than I want them to be, like sleeping. I slept in the recliner for 3 weeks. I'd try to get in bed and COULD NOT get comfortable. I am finally back in the bed but in my back and I am a stomach sleeper! Hard to sleep, I wake up a million times a night. Driving isn't as easy as it used to be either. hard to lean forward and hard to keep my arms up on the steering wheel. And hard to put my socks on haha. I can but it takes effort.

But there are plenty of things I didn't think I'd be doing yet and am thrilled to do, like the clothesline. And I really never had a lot of problems with my arms past week 2. I'm feeling better everyday and with each week I'm amazed at how fast and well I'm healing. And last but not least, my shirts fit a jolt better!! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 3

Can't believe how fast time is flying by. especially considering the boredom and long days stuck here alone. hard to believe its been 3 weeks already.

week 3 was definitely more challenging than week 2. mentally and physically. mentally because I'm feeling better and want to do stuff around here but get tired and sore easily and then have to sit down and then feel frustrated that I am so tired from washing a few dishes. Feel like an old lady. Plus, I've never been stuck in my house for 3 weeks and not be able to drive anywhere. really tired of this chair and the tv. been reading some and Sue gave me a puzzle book, been doing that. Change of pace!

Physically because I had some trouble with the torture strap over the weekend and haven't worn it since. woke up in the night and it was squeezing down so hard on me I had to undo it. Felt like my boobs would explode out the bottom of my incisions! Not fun! I was in a lot of pain in the middle of the night and never really went back to sleep. Put it back on the next morning and it was still way too tight and it was rubbing me raw under my arms. thought I could take a couple days break from it but the raw spots won't go away so yesterday I called the dr and told them what was going on and he said I don't have to wear it.

but the problem is that my implants are too high and he said when we go in to detach the ports then he will probably have to go in and pull the implants down. Sounds like loads of fun!!! In the meantime, now I have lumps way up high on my chest and over by my armpits and they are really in my way and annoying. I don't go back to the dr until the 25th so have to deal with it until then. I think at that appt we decide if I want some saline added to make me bigger and then go in and detach the ports and be done. I will be sooooo glad to be done!!!!

I had read on a couple other blogs that weeks 3 and 4 were most challenging for them so guess I'm right on par! I feel good today and did more around here than I've done yet and then went to lunch with Sue and still feel good, so making progress here. It can be frustrating at times. I keep saying I just want to be back to normal. Been a while! But I'm getting there...slowly but surely.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Week 2

wow, I can't believe it's 2 weeks today since surgery. But most of all I can't believe how far I've come in these 2 weeks. I feel so good now and really didn't expect that in 2 weeks. My drains came out yesterday, finally, and I am so thrilled about that!!! those things were a pain!! In my way to shower and many other things. Good riddance to them!!! But boy did it hurt getting them out!! WOW, didn't expect that!! good thing is, it only hurt for about 5 seconds and then it was over. Just the actual removal of them. so glad they are gone!!

the dr gave me the go ahead to do some light things around here, hooray!! I feel so bad for Matt working so much and so hard, driving an hour there and back and then cooking dinner, trying to clean up around here, doing laundry. He's been very overwhelmed with it all and very stressed with the whole surgery thing. He told me last night he was so worried about how much pain I was going to be in after surgery. me too, but surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I expected. the first few days were, make no mistake, but by day 5 I was off all pain meds except maybe an occasional Motrin here and there. I didn't like the Vicodin AT ALL so quit taking it, but quickly realized I really didn't need anything. I had read the sooner you stop taking them, the faster you'll heal, so maybe that plays a part in how far I've come.

so today I made the beds, washed a few dishes, folded some towels and did some picking up around here. there's still so much to do, but after doing that I actually was sweating for some reason and took my shower. Came out ready to sit. I plan on cooking dinner for the first time tonight too, something small though.

Feels so great to be getting back to normal! Can't wait to see how good I feel by week 3!!