Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Test Day

Had my BRCA test today. They tested me for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 and the BART but I can't for the life of me, remember what that one is for. And I'm a little confused on the 1 & 2 on the BRCA. Time to research again!! Seems it's all I do anymore! 

They took a FULL medical history, wanted to know ALL the cancers in my family, not just breast cancer. When you sit there and name them to an oncology nurse, you realize, wow, there's a lot of cancer in my family!! She said that too and made a couple wide eyed comments about it....just what you want in a cancer center!!! She said there will be no problem with insurance paying for it with such a strong history of cancer in the family. And when I asked when I get the results she said it used to be 21 days, but this company (see previous post to see what buttheads they are!) keeps making changes and now she's not sure how long it takes. She's going to call me when they come in. I HATE waiting without at least a ballpark date!!! So I'm using the 21 days as my ballpark! Hope to find out by then!!! Really want to get surgery going and over with for warm weather!!!

Oh, and I was wrong about the whole scope and spit in the vial thing. It was a blood test. And I was in the chemo room. Not a place I EVER want to be again!!!! Put a pit in my stomach sitting in the chemo/radiation chair and 2 ladies came in while I was there with their hats on and you could see that they were bald under there. Thank God mine was caught early enough to not need chemo and thank God I've made the choice I've made because I do not want this coming back "with a vengeance" as I keep reading and kicking my butt! No, I plan on kicking it's butt!!! Hate going through this, hate going in these offices and hate all the stress and worry!!!! 

Matt is stressed and he won't really admit it to me. He did at the beginning but now he says he's ok. You don't live with someone for 22 years and not be able to tell they are worried about you. He got sick the day I got my diagnosis and he's not better yet! he got better and then got it again! Stress, that's all I'm sayin. He hugs me a lot more and tells me he loves me a lot more...which I love ;) . He's always been like that, but now even more so. Guess it's that whole taking someone for granted thing. 


  1. Marge, So proud of you for testing! One of the hardest things to do. Because I tested off of an aunts results, my results came back within a week so I don't know how quickly yours will. In terms of what happens next, you are exactly right, I will live my life :) I will have nipple reconstruction in around 2 months. After that, God willing another baby, and then my ovaries out. After that, all I want to do it enjoy every little thing that I can!! Good luck with your results!!!

  2. Glad you had the testing done. Prayers that you get the results back quickly. Then you can get scheduling set.
    So sorry Matt is sick again. Stress can really mess you up sometimes. love ya

  3. Thanks Kim. I'm so happy for you that you've made it through all of this and can now enjoy your life and family with no worries! I'll be praying for that next baby to come along, good luck!

    Sherry, Matt's feeling a little better today. Still coughing up a storm but better. He POURED over all my papers last night from the testing. Now we just wait. Love you guys too! we need to get together again...but not while he's a cough machine lol

  4. So happy that you caught it early Marge! I have no doubt that you're going to kick cancer's butt!!! Funny how the scariest situations can bring out the best in people... sounds like while your beating cancer you are also bringing your family closer together! Always here to listen & I look forward to your "I kicked cancer's butt" post! :)
