Saturday, January 14, 2012

DNA testing

I called the lab yesterday for the BRCA testing. Come to find out, there's only 1 lab in the US that does the testing. They have the patent on it. The social worker at the oncologist told me that they are hoping for a supreme court ruling in June for other labs to be able to do the testing. Meanwhile, they do what they want. I asked them if my insurance would cover it because its so expensive and they said the way they do it is, you send in a sample...which btw, I read on another blog that you swish a little mini bottle of Scope and spit into a vial. I thought it was a blood test. So, you send in the sample along with a signed paper. they receive it, check with your insurance and then they send you a paper saying whether it's covered or not. If it's not, they say they will not charge you anymore than $375 and they take payments. The social worker said they don't even charge some people. the problem with this process is, you don't know if you're going to have to pay, get a reduced price, nothing until it's all done and you're billed. At least they can't charge more than $375. The Dr told us it was $2000! So I am going to go ahead with the test because the oncologist says with such a strong family history, all on my dad's side, it's best to find out. If it comes back positive, then it's a sure thing to get the bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction if I choose. It's the best choice because then the chances of getting breast and ovarian cancer are 70%-90%. then my female family members can decide whether they want to be tested too.

Sooooo many choices to make, tests to take, crap to deal with. The test takes 1-2 weeks for results. I want to get my surgery done and get healed before spring and summer!

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