Friday, May 1, 2015

So, it's been a while since I've posted. That's because I totally moved past the breast cancer. I had my 3 year anniversary on March 22nd and everything is still good. I don't really think about it too much nowadays. I'm so thankful for finding it so early and stomped it out before it got bad.

About a year ago, I started having other "female problems". I'm in full menopause, yet started having some sporadic bleeding. Just like a period, about 3 times a year. My gyno said it's not a real period because I'm in full menopause and can't have a period now. I went through 3 ultrasounds over the year and 2 biopsies. Given my history and all signs pointed to uterine cancer, she wanted the biopsies done. Nothing was every found as far as cancer. I did have a couple fibroids and the lining of my uterus was thicker than it should be.

Last fall I had another "period", which led to another ultrasound & biopsy. This time it showed that the fibroids had grown considerably and the lining got quite thick, all in a 5 month period. They couldn't figure out why and said maybe they never will, but again, because of my breast cancer history, she thought it was time to do a hysterectomy. We decided to wait until after the holidays and then I did some procrastinating, dreading another surgery. I had the operation done April 20th, almost 2 weeks ago.

I firmly believe that breast cancer and female organ problems and/or cancers go hand in hand. I've heard of too many people since my breast cancer diagnosis who end up getting either uterine (endometrian) cancer, ovarian cancer or some other kind of female organ cancer. I did not hesitate to agree to the full hysterectomy.

The healing has kind of taken me by surprise. My grandma, my mom, both my sisters, a niece and several other female family members have had to get hysterectomies and some of them told me how easy this was going to be, compared to my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. And yes, it was MUCH easier than that was!!!!!! Lord, yes!!!!!!! I was told I'd be sewing by the end of the week (had the surgery on a Monday), that my sister went canoeing a couple days after hers, etc, etc. Well, I have been quite sore! Hubby had to help me out of bed.....lift me up to a sitting position....for the first 4 days. Same with getting up from the recliner. After that I could do it, but still VERY painful!!! It's been a lot slower than I anticipated, which has been very frustrating. I am feeling a lot better now but honestly, still not 100%. I thought I was and then today I decided to do some housework and I think the mopping did me in. We have all hardwood floors except the bedrooms and I think it was too much. (I'm also beginning to think I have some kind of infection...bladder? UTI? but won't go into that). I had planned to clean out the car after this long winter but I was having some pain low in my stomach after mopping and decided not to take the chance of ruining my weekend. Just frustrating. I'm pretty active, REALLY tired of sitting around and just wanted to do some spring stuff since it's such a beautiful day. Oh well, in time.

Anyway, I just wanted to write this post for my memory and for anyone who may still run across this blog, to educate anyone to not let your guard down. Always get tests and anything you're supposed to be getting because you never know!!
