Friday, May 4, 2012

Week 6

Normalcy!! That's what week 6 is all about! I feel pretty much normal again. I guess it's a new normal cause obviously my boobs feel different, but it's a good normal. No pain left at all. Everything is healed up good and looking really good! Again I will say my plastic surgeon did an awesome job!

I've been working in the yard all week. I still get tired easier than I used to and it frustrates me to no end! I have things to do and I can't stand not being able to do them! Matt says it's from sitting around for 4-5 weeks, I'll have to build my muscles and stamina back up. It makes me mad to get so tired that I have to go sit down in the middle of my to do list. And even worse that sometimes I just can't finish it. I know, I know, it's only been 6 weeks since I had major surgery! But I feel so good that I feel like I should be able to do whatever I want/need to.

I am thrilled to feel this good after just 6 weeks, believe me. I think I was pretty lucky in the healing process. I have to say I was more patient than I thought I would be. I don't have a lot of patience!! I followed dr's orders, didn't do my housework or shopping or anything without help until I got the go ahead and maybe that's why I have felt so good through this process.

We were talking today about week 1 and how I couldn't even stand to take a shower without almost ending up in tears from the pain and being soooo tired I HAD to sit down NOW. How showering was such an ordeal and task with the drains hanging around my neck and how Matt had to dry me off, wash my hair cause I couldn't reach up there, dress me. I am soooo thankful to be past that. 6 weeks flew by, yet it seems so long ago.

I have no regrets of my decision and never will. I am cancer free, no worries, no tests, no drugs. And I love my new small boobs! All you women out there with small boobs wishing you had big ones, no you don't!! Believe me! Small ones are soooo much better! ;)


  1. Fantastic. So glad everything has gone well for your healing. Keep up the good work. Love ya

    1. Me too Sherry!! Guess there's nothing else to write about until my next procedure cause really just feeling normal again. Love you too!

  2. lol "feeling normal". That's great!!!!

  3. Marge, Thanks for your comment on my JakoPisek site. I would love to know where you got the nipple tatoo temps. Especially if you like them. Seems that you could show those to a tatoo artist and they could copy the coloring details. I am so glad for you that you don't have any scars. I keep seeing pictures of some crazy scars and it's a bit alarming, but I'm hopeful mine will be minimal. Glad you are feeling so great! I'm worried about being able to take care of my little ones, but I have to do this soon (my mom was my age with her first bout with breast cancer). I am thinking of getting the prophylactic mastectomy/reconstruction at the first of next year since my baby will be done breastfeeding and hopefully walking by then. That will help a little. I really appreciate your comment on my site and your support. It's a crazy road, but your support really helps!
